import torch
from colibri.optics import SPC
from colibri.optics.functional import forward_spc
from .core import Solver
class L2L2SolverSPC(Solver):
Solver for the SPC acquisition model.
It describes the closed-form solution of the optimization problem.
.. math::
\min_{\textbf{X}} \frac{1}{2}||\textbf{X} - \textbf{H}\textbf{X}||_2^2 + \rho||\textbf{X} - \tilde{\textbf{X}}||_2^2
where :math:`\textbf{X}` is the tensor to be recovered, :math:`\textbf{Y}` is the input tensor,
:math:`\textbf{H}` is the sensing matrix, and :math:`\rho` is the regularization parameter.
in the case of the SPC acquisition model, the :math:`\textbf{X}` is a matrix of size :math:`(M\times N, L)`,
where :math:`M` and :math:`N` are the height and width of the image, and :math:`L` is the number of channels.
In this sense, :math:`\textbf{X}` is the spatial vectorized form of the image.
(since the SPC its broadcasting the sensing matrix over the channels)
The solution of the optimization problem is given by:
.. math::
\hat{\textbf{X}} = (\textbf{H}^\top\textbf{H} + \rho \textbf{I})^{-1}(\textbf{H}^\top \textbf{Y} + \rho \tilde{\textbf{X}})
def __init__(self, y, acquisition_model: SPC):
y (torch.Tensor): Input tensor with shape (B, L, M, N)
acquisition_model (SPC): Acquisition model
super(L2L2SolverSPC, self).__init__(y, acquisition_model)
self.Hty = acquisition_model(y, type_calculation="backward")
self.H = acquisition_model.learnable_optics
self.HtH = torch.matmul(self.H.permute(1, 0), self.H)
def solve(self, xtilde, rho):
H_adjoint = self.HtH + rho * torch.eye(self.H.shape[1])
H_adjoint = torch.inverse(H_adjoint)
b, c, h, w = xtilde.size()
x_hat = forward_spc( self.Hty + rho * xtilde, H_adjoint)
x_hat = x_hat.permute(0, 2, 1)
x_hat = x_hat.view(b, c, h, w)
return x_hat