Source code for colibri.optics.sota_does

import torch
import numpy as np
from colibri.optics.functional import get_spatial_coords, circular_aperture

def nbk7_refractive_index(wavelength):
    nbk refractive index at a given wavelength

        wavelength: Wavelength in meters

        val: Refractive index - 1

    wavelength_squared = (wavelength * 1e6)**2
    n_power2_minus_1 = (1.03961212 * wavelength_squared )/(wavelength_squared - 0.00600069867) + (0.231792344 * wavelength_squared) / (wavelength_squared - 0.0200179144) + (1.01046945 * wavelength_squared) / (wavelength_squared - 103.560653)
    n = np.sqrt(n_power2_minus_1 + 1)
    return n - 1

def spiral_refractive_index(wavelength):

    Spiral refractive index at a given wavelength

        wavelength: Wavelength in meters

        val: Refractive index - 1

    wavelength = (wavelength * 1e6)
    IdLens = 1.5375+0.00829045*wavelength**(-2)-0.000211046*wavelength**(-4)
    val = IdLens-1
    return val

[docs] def spiral_doe(M: int, N: int, number_spirals: int, radius: float, focal: float, start_w = 450e-9, end_w = 650e-9): r""" Code to generate a spiral DOE with a given number of spirals, radius, focal length and wavelength range. For more information, please refer to the following paper: (2019). Compact snapshot hyperspectral imaging with diffracted rotation. Args: M (int): Resolution at Y axis in pixels. N (int): Resolution at X axis in pixels. number_spirals (int): Number of spirals. radius (float): Radius of the doe. focal (float): Focal length of the doe. start_w (float): Initial design wavelength. end_w (float): Final design wavelength. Returns: torch.Tensor: Height map of the spiral DOE torch.Tensor: Aperture of the spiral DOE """ pixel_size = (2*radius)/np.min([M, N]) r, theta = get_spatial_coords(M = M, N = N, pixel_size = pixel_size, type='polar') aperture = circular_aperture(M = M, N = N, radius = radius, pixel_size = pixel_size) theta = torch.remainder(theta + torch.pi, (2 * torch.pi / number_spirals)) lt = start_w + (end_w - start_w) * number_spirals * theta / 2 / torch.pi n = torch.true_divide((torch.sqrt(r**2 + focal**2) - focal), lt) # Constructive interference n = torch.ceil(n+1e-6) height_map = (n * lt - (torch.sqrt(r**2 + focal**2) - focal)) / spiral_refractive_index(wavelength=lt) # Heights return height_map * aperture, aperture
[docs] def conventional_lens(M: int, N: int, focal = None, radius = None): r""" Code to generate a conventional lens with a given focal length and radius following the equation .. math:: h(x, y) = \frac{-(x^2 + y^2)}{f} where :math:`r` is the distance from the center of the lens and :math:`f` is the focal length of the lens. For more information, please refer to: Goodman, J. W. (2005). Introduction to Fourier optics. Roberts and Company Publishers. (2017). Design and fabrication of diffractive optical elements with MATLAB. Args: M: Number of pixels in the y direction, N: Number of pixels in the x direction, focal: Focal length of the lens wavelength: Wavelength of the light radius: Radius of the lens Returns: torch.Tensor: Height map of the conventional lens torch.Tensor: Aperture of the conventional lens """ pixel_size = (2*radius)/np.min([M, N]) r, _ = get_spatial_coords(M = M, N = N, pixel_size = pixel_size, type='polar') aperture = circular_aperture(M = M, N = N, radius = radius, pixel_size = pixel_size) height_map = -(r**2)/(focal) return height_map*aperture, aperture